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Social Media Marketing


Social Media Marketing

Now, most of you must only know about social media marketing, because for this digital
marketing course we are targeting the college students and people in the age of 18 to 25.
So, you must be using "Facebook" , "Instagram" or maybe the new apps like "Musicaly".
So, all these emerging social media channels, they have huge, huge audience.
Like "Facebook" has multiple billion people on their channel.
Similarly, "Twitter" has their audience.
And now people are moving from "Facebook" rather to "Instagram".
Now, "Instagram" is the new trend of the new social media 2019.
And whenever there's a huge audience, there are opportunities for advertisement.
So, this is where social media marketing comes into play.
Now, social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites.
Now, there are two types of social media marketing, first is organic and secondly is paid.
Now, "Facbook" is a massive advertisement channel.
Majority of you must have seen ads on facebook.
It could have been a video ad, it could have been an image ad, but we are really focusing on "Facebook" for the marketing of this digital marketing course.
So, social media marketing is really effective when your target audience is competitively younger, because you are able to reach a huge audience.
Also, social media marketing has various world angle.
Like when we talk about "Instagram", we have "Instagram Influencer".
So, we can hire few influencers and you market through them or we can also grow organically.
But primarily, when we talk about social media marketing, we are looking for more engagement,
we are looking to drive more customers and primarily we'll be focusing more on "Facbook Ads".
Because that is a channel that is extremely popular and gives amazing results.
So, we'll be learning the ins and outs of Facebook Ad, in the future lesson, but yes,
I'll be also going through Instagram, specifically because that is a channel that will definitely grow in the coming years.
So, I have a session specifically dedicated for Instagram.
And yes, the session is dominating 2019 and also in the coming years, YouTube will become the big boss of media marketing.
So, we will be talking about how to start a channel, optimize the channel, how to gain subscribers, how to increase watch time, and even YouTube Ads.

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